Share The Joy
Events, Concerts, Conferences, Speakers, Outreach in the Orillia Christian Community
We had hoped to do our 2nd Annual Easter Art Show in April, however at the moment it is inadvisable to be collecting the art and we are required to be closed so no one would see it anyway. But as I look at this image, it occurs to me that once all of this eases and things open up again, it will be a glorious time to celebrate resurrection and revival … aka Easter! In the meantime, stay safe - keep others safe - and wash your hands! It's hard to know what to post right now - so many things are cancelled or postponed … and it's hard to say when things will get back to 'normal'. There are a few posts I've received that I've taken down, or not put up in the first place. But while we may not be doing concerts & meals & having speakers in, our Christian Community is stepping up and providing loving care and support wherever there is need. Thank you all! God Bless you all! For the next while, we'll do some different kinds of posts. Posts of encouragement, interest, praise … if you have one you'd like to share, please get in touch! Let's all continue to Share the Joy! For our Joy is not dependent on our feelings or situation, but rather it flows into us as we are grafted into the true vine, and the fruits of the spirit flow through us and out into the world, giving hope and peace - something sorely needed in these troubling times - and it's in that doing and that giving, that we find our Joy!
Linda Tiffin